
Thursday, October 1, 2020

Research about Dame Whina Cooper!

 My powerpoint presentation on Dame Whina Cooper

Kia ora e te whaanau! Kei te pehea koe? How is your hararei? I hope you had a wonderful day today or tonight or even in the afternoon! wherever you may be, anyways I am here to tell you about my powerpoint presentations! Right here I have inserted a link that will hopefully take you to my mahi I have created for you guys! So what Te Puna Wairua (TPW) has done is that we had to choose a famous Maori Rangatira and I decided to do Dame Whina Cooper again! 

Nga mihi nui for listening and reading this korero, Ka kite ano and make sure to keep smiling no matter what. You are special to the world in you own way <3